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Resilience in the Time of Chaos

Dr. Sandi Chapman

Dear friends,By now, we’re used to our inboxes filling with COVID-19 updates from everyone from elected officials to the neighborhood dry cleaner. At the Center for BrainHealth, we too have been securing our buildings, providing for employees working from home, cancelling travel and group gatherings and just trying to absorb the dramatic changes in our world. Our hearts go out to those afflicted with the virus and their families and caregivers, and we applaud our leaders who are guiding us through this storm.We thought that you might want to be reminded that one of the most encouraging things that we at the Center for BrainHealth have learned about the brain is its capacity for resilience. Studies show that healthy lifestyle habits and resilience practices such as mindfulness and meditation have the potential to straighten brain performance and increase overall well-being. Aren’t both of those just what we need to power through this distress? Try these recorded guided meditations by Dr. Richard Miller, creator of iRest®, at Warrior Spirit Project.We will continue to reach out with more science-based strategies and suggestions for keeping you focused and present. Take great care, and remember, Better Brain. Better Life. Better World.
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See more messages from our Chief Director, Sandra Chapman, PhD.

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Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD

Chief Director Dee Wyly Distinguished Professor, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences Co-Leader, The BrainHealth Project

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